Hi and Welcome!

I’m Lexi Toribio, anticurator of THE ANTIEXPERIENCE and this is not advice on how to experience.

THE ANTIEXPERIENCE is an exploration of both internal and external worlds through nature, travel, the freely written word and by sharing those worlds/words with you. It’s mostly personal essays and occasionally some other embarrassing things like Bad Poems, Swim in the Stream of my Consciousness Podcast episodes, photos, ANTItravelogues, and god knows what else.

A free subscription gets you the occasional essay n such.

A paid monthly/yearly subscription gets you access to all of the aforementioned things, the archive, digital kisses, and a weird feeling of connection I will then have for you.

There’s a button below if you feel inclined to take a ride. 🎢


not advice but an experience


Creator and writer @ the ANTIEXPERIENCE